I prefer to say feeling stuck to being stuck…..when you feel stuck you can experience a lack of flow in your day to day life. You can feel physically heavy, emotionally drained, and your thinking can be quite ruminating as there is a tendency to focus on questions like, what is wrong with me? Why do I feel so sluggish? Why does everything seem so difficult for me right now?
Why do we feel stuck?
Sometimes you can feel stuck after a change in your personal circumstances, like your work, or you move to a new home or city and you are forced to make changes that you don’t feel ready to make yet. It could be that the feeling of discomfort has been sitting just below the surface and you have been ignoring the niggling feeling, attempting to suppress it in the hope that it will just go away. Although at first, it can be quite uncomfortable and confronting, it can also be a time of great liberation and excitement. Buckle up and get ready for the ride I say.
What is life trying to tell you?
When you feel stuck, life is telling you something and to truly embrace the gifts that follow a period of feeling stuck, is to look more deeply into the discomfort and explore what it is that life is asking you to change? It will most definitely be a call to change something in your life.
It’s a great time to take your focus inwards, to step away from placing emphasis on doing things and turn the spotlight onto how you feel about things. Your emotions are indicators of so much more. They are like signposts that help you to determine which direction to go in.
The good news
The good news is, feeling stuck is usually the first step before inspiration, which is followed by stepping into a whole new direction. The key to flowing through this period of your life with grace and ease is to embrace the discomfort. You are being encouraged to spread your wings, to evolve into something amazing.
Feeling stuck can be compared to a caterpillar in its cocoon, it’s a time where great transformation takes place, from the outside it appears as though nothing is happening, yet on the inside, there is deep transformation. Like a caterpillar, you are transforming into a very beautiful butterfly.
For me, Yoga has been a very powerful tool for transformation as Yoga deepens your self-awareness and allows you to develop a more intimate relationship with yourself. I encourage you to take time to be alone during this phase of your life. Spend time on your mat, breathing, connecting and pondering.
Enjoy the transformation.
Love, Grace, and Gratitude