Your body is the vehicle through which you experience life….one of my teachers, Jana Johnson taught me that every cell in our body has its own consciousness. So, what does that mean? It means that every cell in your body is a living organism that vibrates and responds to energy, and there are millions of them.
Just stop for a minute and ponder this…
How truly incredible and magnificent is your body and yet so often we are so busy being out in the world doing stuff that we take it for granted. We literally abuse it!! I certainly know that I have abused my body in the past and still it showed up for me, my heart continued to beat and my breathe flowed in and out effortlessly.
Our bodies heal themselves all the time. Think about if you have ever had a paper cut, once the bleeding stops, the wound can heal over very quickly and all without you being conscious of it happening. You didn’t do anything, it all happened involuntarily, while you were busy doing something else.
The body is amazingly resilient, with numerous systems that all collaborate and cooperate as one. If one of those systems is not functioning as it meant to, then it will influence all the other systems of the body as well.
For example:
If someone has poor circulation, then the blood flow is reduced. This can often result in conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart conditions.
Similarly, if a person is consistently looking down to look at a screen, or read something, without making a conscious decision to look up and stretch to counterbalance. This movement can result in very tight muscles, which will compress on the nerves and as a result, they could experience headaches or even conditions like frozen shoulder.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space I our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”
Vicktor Frankl
Why you should love your body
One of the main reasons I encourage you to really love and be grateful for your body is not only because it is a truly magnificent healing machine. But also because being in pain, which is always a signal that something is out of balance within you, creates a barrier to you experiencing stillness and connecting with the deeper parts of yourself.
The problems caused by imbalances
The imbalances can be caused by an emotional experience or even mental anguish and stress. Just think about how you felt when you were most recently stressed.
It is likely that you experienced at least one of these symptoms, your shoulders rose up to be closer to your ears, your jaw tightened, you had a headache, and you may have found yourself clenching your hands more tightly than usual.
Your body remembers
Every experience and thought that you have had in your life is stored in your body. Your emotions are also connected to and stored in your body.
Remember what happened when your favorite sports team or person won an event?
Your arms were raised high above your head in the expression of joy and your jaw was relaxed because you were smiling and expressing your excitement at their victory.
Your body, mind, and soul are intertwined and connected; they cannot be separated from each other. When you think positive thoughts, it affects your body as your muscles will be more relaxed and your soul will be uplifted at the same time and vice versa when you have negative thoughts the opposite happens.
Giving thanks
By giving thanks and gratitude to your body, you are giving thanks and gratitude to all of you, you place yourself in a positive frame of mind and this allows you to approach your day with a sense of optimism about what will transpire moment by moment.
Every day as part of my daily Sadhana practice, that was given to me by Sri Nandanji, an Indian mystic and alchemist as part of Swatantra practice, I meditate on being grateful for this body and it sets the tone for my day.
I am more balanced, and I don’t tend to react to situations or people, as I have space between what is happening and my response.
Beginning to notice
Have you noticed when you have negative thoughts that naturally your body starts to close over, your shoulders are rounded forward and this can leave you feeling sad, helpless and you are vulnerable?
Love, Grace, and Gratitude
Donna x
[…] you know that the way you breathe affects your body, mind and spirit? Breathe is so powerful, it’s your life force, it’s the first thing you do […]